
THC and Pain Management Efficacy for Chronic Pain Relief


Pain has become a very common problem in today’s modern world. Experts are always studying novel techniques of pain management and new drug solutions. Cannabis-based analgesics are being studied. THC vape pens are tried by a lot of people and it’s popularly come up as a pain relief product.

A new comprehensive research in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that cannabis products may temporarily relieve chronic pain. However, doctors must consider dangers including increased dizziness and sedation. Whether these products are long-term useful is also unknown.

Using THC as Chronic Pain Relief

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain that lasts months. Chronic pain affects many people, therefore researchers are continually exploring for novel solutions. Researchers are interested in cannabis’s potential to relieve chronic pain.

Different elements of cannabis can be used to make other items. The main components of cannabis are CBD and THC.

THC and CBD are in some products. CBD is not psychoactive, unlike THC, which causes the “high” from cannabis. Products in this category vary in US availability. Marinol and Syndros are FDA-approved THC medicines.

 THC’s efficacy in treating persistent pain

This study examined “To evaluate the benefits and harms of cannabinoids for chronic pain.” Chemicals called cannabinoids include tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD.

The studied studies came from multiple databases. English-language cannabis pain relief research was included. The treatment or follow-up lasted at least four weeks. Cannabis studies with placebo or active controls were included in the meta-analysis.

The meta-analysis includes 25 studies. The THC-to-CBD ratio and experiment products were examined. Was the product high in THC and low in CBD?  Did the product have low THC and high CBD, or was it fairly equal?

Significant findings were absent from the review. Other products didn’t have enough proof to prove they relieved chronic pain. However, some results backed up the usefulness of cannabis products that were uncovered:

  • Synthetic oral medicines with a high THC-to-CBD ratio may temporarily ease chronic pain.
  • Sublingual cannabis products with equal THC and CBD levels may provide brief relief from chronic pain.

Researchers found that some products may cause dizziness and sedation in addition to their advantages. Overall, they recommended greater research into cannabis’ long-term effects.

Reasons to Use THC for Chronic Pain

All Natural

Opioids and other drugs are losing appeal as patients seek alternatives. Therapeutic drugs often contain harmful chemicals.

By using cannabis for medical purposes, patients are able to avoid these dangerous additives while still benefiting from the drug’s potent natural form.

Extremely efficient

Medical cannabis’ cannabinoids, such as THC, have a different effect than conventional analgesics. Opioids treat the symptoms, not the underlying cause. Restoring harmony to your neurological system and combating pain at its source are both aided by marijuana use.

Patients often report rapid improvement after using medical cannabis. The effects also linger longer, letting patients continue their regular routines.

Fewer unwanted effects

Cannabis plant

The many adverse effects of opioids can make you feel worse. Aspirin can cause stomach ulcers and bleeding.

Medical cannabis is a natural painkiller with little adverse effects. Many of them cause less long-term harm than conventional painkillers.

Helps Aim for the Most Difficult Cases

Certain painful illnesses are known for refusing pain drugs provided by medics—like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Patients endure everyday agony with little hope for relief.

Anecdotal and clinical evidence suggest medical cannabis can help people get up and go. Marijuana appears to relieve pain and restore balance better than painkillers.


Remember that cannabis does not aid in curing the condition. Instead, it may ease disease symptoms. Most of these conditions are severe, hence medicinal marijuana is mostly utilized for pain. Cannabis has been used medicinally for a long time, but long-term study is limited. The findings suggest that chronic pain providers should balance the pros and cons of administering THC.



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